Thursday, 29 October 2009

Chapter Symbol

Have been looking for a chapter symbol and an easy way of representing it on my models and have found this great historical wargaming website who do lots of historical transfers. I am musing over a few design, but this one I like.

I have asked if they will do it in a dark blue.

2000 pt list

Hey have finally sat down and come up with a 2000 pt list, let me know what you think.

Children of Aeneas


Legate Ascanius Longra 180

Artificer Armour
Relic Blade
Bolt Pistol
Storm Shield
Frag and Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs
Digital Weapons
Iron Halo

First Tribune Silvius Alba 155

Terminator Armour
Storm Bolter
Power Sword
Frag and Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs
Digital Weapons
Iron Halo


Terminator Squad Entellus 230

Terminator Armour
Storm Bolter
Power Sword (Sergeant)
Power Fist
One Marine Assault Cannon

Terminator Squad Diores 230

Terminator Armour
Storm Bolter
Power Sword (Sergeant)
Power Fist
One Marine Assault Cannon

Sternguard Veteran Squad Eurytion 170

Power Armour
Bolt Pistol
Special Issue Ammo
Frag and Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs
Sergeant Power Weapon
One Vet Storm Bolter
One Vet Las Cannon
One Vet Melta Gun
Melta Bombs


Tactical Squad Pandarus 255

Power Armour
Bolt Pistol
Frag and Krak Grenades

Sergeant Power Weapon,Melta Bombs
One Marine Meltagun
One Marine Multi Melta
Melta Bombs

Storm Bolter
HK Missile

Tactical Squad Dar'es 255

Power Armour
Bolt Pistol
Frag and Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs

Sergeant Power Weapon,Melta Bombs
One Marine Meltagun
One Marine Multi Melta

Storm Bolter
HK Missile

Scout Squad Priam 120

Scout Armour
Bolt Pistol
Bolt Gun
Frag and Krak Grenades
Melta Bombs

Sergeant Power Fist,Teleport Homer, Melta Bombs.

Fast Attack

Assault Squad Nisus 135

Power Armour
Bolt Pistol
Frag and Krak Grenades
Jump Pack

Power Weapon
Storm Shield
Melta Bombs

Land Speeder 100

Multi Melta
Typoon Missile Launcher

Heavy Support

Predator 200

Twin Linked Lascannon
Sponson Lascannon
Storm Bolter
HK Missile
Smoke Launchers
Extra Armour


Sunday, 18 October 2009

The Odyssey begins

After the long and arduous progress of surgery, mental indoctrination and training by the Talon Knights. The Exodites were declared combat effective and were added to the list of active Astartes Chapters on great Terra.
The ceremonial commissioning of the Exodites was conducted on the bridge of the battle barge Propontis. High above Umbriaria, Numikas presented the Great Spear of Illum and the shield of Prophecy to Ascanius, ordaining him as Legate of the Children of Aeneas, Astartes.
On completion of the ceremony, and once the distinguished guests had departed, Ascanius slumped in his command chair, removed his ceremonial open faced helmet and gazed intently at his gauntleted hands, his voice drew out slowly, deep and bold but without anger,
Brothers the time has come, we now have the tools, we are favoured, vengeance shall be ours.
The command team looked at each other expectantly.
He turned his weary gaze to his navigator, his grey-green eyes boring into the man, Set course for Cannakkali.
The Navigator clicked his heels and span to pass the order.

The people of Umbrairia, were confused and outraged they couldnt understand where the Astartes fleet had gone.
Numikas feared he made a most fatal mistake as he watched the Exodite fleet depart from low anchor in the Azure skies. Communications and challenges were dispatched, the only ansewer bieng silence. The planatary defence grid flashed to life, targeting the wayward vessels. But Numikas stayed his hand and let the decendants of Aeneas depart to their destiny.

A tear ran down Ascanius's proud face as his fleet dropped out of reality and away from the light of the Imperium.